Introduction | GraphQL Flashcards


At its simplest, GraphQL is about asking for specific fields on objects. A GraphQL service is created by defining types and fields on those types, then providing functions for each field on each type. GraphQL is a query language for your API, and a server-side runtime for executing queries by using a type system you define for your data.

Schema Definition Language

The syntax for writing schemas is called Schema Definition Language (SDL). GraphQL has its own type system that’s used to define the schema of an API.


An operation for creating, modifying and destroying data. When creating one a mutation, you start with the keyword mutation with the same syntactical structure as queries. Like queries, we’re also able to specify a payload for a mutation in which we can ask for different returned properties. Tip: for CRUD mutations to work, you need to provide an ID on the given type.


A schema is a collection of GraphQL types with special root types. It specifies the capabilities of the API and defines how clients can request the data. It is often seen as a contract between the server and client.

Root types

Root types define the entry points for an API. The three root types are Query, Mutation and Subscription.


GraphQL types have unique IDs that are generated by the server when new objects are created. The !following a type means that the field is required.


A unit of data you are asking for in a Schema, which ends up as a field in your JSON response data. Each field can have zero or more arguments if that’s specified in the schema. Tip: you must add nested subfields until all fields return scalars.

type Person {
  name: String!
  age: Int!

The Person type has two fields, they’re called name and age and are respectively of type String and Int. The !following the type means that this field is required.


An argument is a set of key-value pairs attached to a specific field. Arguments can be literal values or variables. Some fields require an argument. Mutations require an input object as an argument.

  human(id: "200") {
    weight(unit: "pounds")

id is an argument to human in the query above.

single endpoint

GraphQL APIs typically only expose a single endpoint. This works because the structure of the data that’s returned is not fixed. Instead, it’s completely flexible and lets the client decide what data is actually needed.


Every GraphQL service has a query type and may or may not have a mutation type. These types are a read-only fetch operation to request data from a GraphQL service. They are the same as a regular object type, but they are special because they define the entry point of every GraphQL query.

root field

At the top level of every GraphQL server is a type that represents all of the possible entry points into the GraphQL API, it's often called the Root type or the Query type.

  allPersons {

The allPersons field in this query is called the root field of the query. Everything that follows the root field, is called the payload of the query.


A real-time GraphQL operation. A Subscription is defined in a schema along with queries and mutations. When a client subscribes to an event, it will initiate and hold a steady connection to the server. Whenever that particular event then actually happens, the server pushes the corresponding data to the client.

subscription {
  newPerson {


Node is a generic term for an object. You can look up a node directly, or you can access related nodes via a connection. If you specify a node that does not return a scalar, you must include subfields until all fields return scalars.


Edges represent connections between nodes. When you query a connection, you traverse its edges to get to its nodes. Every edges field has a node field and a cursor field.


Connections let you query related objects as part of the same call. With connections, you can use a single GraphQL call where you would have to use multiple calls to a REST API.

entry points

The Query, Mutation, and Subscription types are the entry points for the requests sent by the client.


An in-browser IDE for GraphQL development.


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